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Anthology: A Collection of Flowers by Shiva

The Poltergeist


One morning one of my students called me on the phone. Her voice was shaky and very disturbed.

She had gone to our Meditation Center in order to do some early morning work. As she spread out the work inside the empty room that used to be our office, an icy chill settled over her and she felt sick to her stomach.

She was disturbed and frightened. I instructed her to return inside the old office and see if she could figure out who or what was causing this.

As she was doing this, I too stopped my thoughts and "saw" several people who had been previously involved with our center and had recently left.

When she returned, she related to me the same conclusion. I told her to let me work on this and I would phone her back.

As I considered this phenomenon, I saw that this poltergeist was thought forms that were being projected at our Center through anger and frustration. I knew that I could shield the Center, turn back these thought forms and enter into some sort of warfare with these people.

This course of action just did not feel right. I knew that there had to be a better way. I realized that getting caught up in this sort of conflict could last a whole incarnation. I desperately needed another way.

Then, right in the middle of my contemplation of all of this, I remembered a time when my Teacher asked me what I would do if I only had three months to live. I remembered how he looked at me and how I felt as I answered him.

I thought, "What if I only had three months to live!" Suddenly I had a whole list of activities such as; write some books, hold some college meditations, meet with my students and really deal with the important issues...

As my energy started to focus on what I wanted to do, it was the easiest thing in the world to simply walk past this negative energy and not give it any acknowledgment whatsoever.

The Poltergeist Commentary:

The important thing is to focus your intent on what is really important in this life. If one wants to fight demons, devils, witches or just plain angry people, then you will have plenty to deal with and it will not stop.

What a waste of time! Don't let these petty distractions keep you from your goals and aspirations.

Nothing can keep you from God! As you focus your faith and intention on the Divine essence of all creation, these negative energies will lose their power of distraction and will soon fall away.




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