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I Could Have Asked For—

The Enlightened Teacher sat with his disciples. It was a most powerful moment. The teacher was in a somewhat unusual mood. He looked at one of his students and said, "I’m going to give you a boon. Think carefully for you will surely get what you ask for.

The disciple sat and thought. All of his life he had experienced poverty and hunger. This had been his major issue in this incarnation. All his life he had never known whether any meal might be his last.

Finally the master asked, "What would you like?"

The disciple said, "I would like to never miss a meal again."

The teacher laughed and said "So be it!".

For the rest of his life the disciple never went without a meal. He could be walking across a open field and if it was mealtime, someone would show up and give him food.

He grew old healthy and fat.

At the end of his life he told this story to his disciples and said sadly, "I could have asked for Enlightenment."

I Could Have Asked For- Commentary

Part of the Enlightenment process is fulfilling all desires. In India, meditation is known as the "wish fulfilling tree."

The concept is that any desire that stands between you and God must be realized. As desires are realized, their temporal nature pales in comparison to the Eternal.









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