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Kundalini is actually described in detail in Volume Four of "The Ninth Incarnation--The Feline Approach to Enlightenment". This nine-volume series describes the foolproof feline approach to attaining enlightenment in just nine incarnations.

Before reading Volume Four, though, you must as a prerequisite master the first three volumes, which deal with the tonal, the gross physical. As you know, Volume One deals with The Food and Water Bowl: How to Get a Human to Take Care of You. And Volume Two deals with The Litter Box: Keeping it Clean. Volume Three is The Bright Spot of Sunlight on the Human Sofa: The Perfect Meditation Spot.

So once you've mastered all that (or better yet, gotten a human to master it on your behalf), it is time to move on to the finer art of Kundalini. Kundalini is the energy that cats thrive on. You can tell when a cat is dealing well with the Kundalini mainly based on what you do not see. If a cat has "Kundalini fur"--all his/her fur sticking up on end--you know the cat has a bit more Kundalini than she knows what to do with. Don't focus on the crown chakra so much yet.

Or if a cat starts tearing around the house aimlessly, and recklessly, you know that there is a little too much Kundalini in the power chakra.

But when a cat can sit still in the bright spot of sunlight for hours in a total state of bliss, then you know he/she has mastered the art of managing the flow of the Kundalini.

Mooshke the Cat


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