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Getting Back Into Meditation

You know, this is a difficult question to answer because of course we cats never fall off the path in the first place. We cats always make it to Enlightenment in just nine lifetimes.

So I assume that you are asking this question from a multilife perspective. How does a cat regain the power which he had in his past lives in order to attain Enlightenment in this life? I can only answer this question from my own point of view. Every cat builds up a certain personal power in his early lifetimes, and in his last lifetimes he must return to that place of power in order to attain Enlightenment.

In my early lifetimes I lived in a farmhouse in Connecticut. I was known as a great martial artist, especially to the mice who lived in the barn, and to the other cats in the neighborhood. I built up great personal power practicing my own unique style of martial arts, and also by finding the perfect spot on the front porch to go into Samadhi. I spent my first three lifetimes learning how to stop thought and stop the mice in the barn.

Now, in this last lifetime I have returned to this place of power--this old farmhouse--to complete the Enlightenment cycle. My human doesn't realize it but he has to stay here until I complete the Enlightenment cycle (although if he makes enough money he might be able to get a second place in New York so I can be free of distracting human thoughts a few days a week). When I meditate on the front porch in the sunlight, I am really drawing on the power which I put into this place in my past lifetimes. My human thinks that he picked this place! Ha! What a joke! Doesn't he realize that it was no mere coincidence that he just happened to bring me and my brother along when he came to see the place?

So if you're a cat and you've fallen off the path--it means you just haven't returned to your place of power from past lives. A little "encouragement" and you can use your feline power to direct your human to the right place. It's just a minor Siddha for us felines.

Mooshke the Cat


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