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Dealing With Pesky Humans

Well, as you know, we cats have ways of dealing with beings who try to drain our power. Like, for example, right now my human is off visiting some rabbits instead of spending time with me. So do I have a surprise for him when he gets back or what?

Just before sending this message, I had some fun playing with the toilet paper. The paper is all in shreds now and strewn over the floor. A few chairs have been knocked over, all in the name of having a good time. And, well, my scratching post in the basement takes a little too much energy to get to, so the living room sofa should work just fine as a substitute scratching post, don't you think? My human isn't around so it's not as though he needs to use it.

And, oh yes, now would be a good time to reguritate all those hairballs just to decorate the place a little. And hey, if I jump up on my human's desk and knock over a few things, so much the better.

Yes, my human is going to have fun when he gets back, and nobody's going to be draining my power again for awhile.


Mooshke the Enlightening Cat

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