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Cat Mudras

Mudras are a way of opening interdimensional vortexes with our paws. There are many ways of shifting energy around with paws. For example, if food is not forthcoming at a particular time of the day, we can always meow loudly and wave our paws in the air around our human and that will usually cause the food to be delivered. You might call it food manifestation.

Occasionally it may be necessary to dig our claws deeply into the human to provide a little interdimensional motivational, but in general that is quite unnecessary.

Another type of mudra which we have perfected is known as the Christmas, or sometimes the Catmas tree mudra. If we hold our paws in just the right position while in the vicinity of a Catmas tree, we can often cause the tree to enter a dimension where it cannot support its own weight, and as a result it comes toppling down. Either that or the humans were too stupid to put the tree up straight in the first place--we're not sure, we just know that we can alter a lot of worlds with our paws.

We've even, on rare occasions, been known to send a mouse into a whole new incarnation with one quick movement of our paws.

But the best mudra we have learned is the teleportation mudra. At one point our human was gone longer than we would have liked, so we used this mudra to get him to return quickly. Of course, we also interdimensionally turned off the heat and his computer, but since we have nine incarnations for every one of his, we can afford to play a few games.

Mooshke the Cat


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