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Healing Meditation
by Jenna


"I am not this fragile body"
-Taoist saying

Healing, to me, is touching the deeper part of our nature in meditation. Many of the things we experience in the material world are outside of our control. We may be involved in an accident or develop a sickness that leaves us feeling fragile and weak. Even in the worst of circumstances, we still have the option to meditate and touch the eternal part of our nature. The bright light within shines no matter what happens on the outside. By meditating, we become aware of that light and it gives us strength to face whatever is in front of us.

Meditation also offers physical benefits such as relaxation, reduced mental stress and reduced muscle tension. At the beginning of your meditation session, take a few deep breaths and allow your body to relax. Notice how your muscles feel. If you're holding tension anywhere, breathe deeply and imagine that you're breathing into the muscle. When you exhale, allow the tension to flow out of you.

Notice how you are sitting. Is it comfortable? Does your body have support where it needs it? If you have good posture, your back will support your head while your shoulders and neck are relaxed. If your back hurts, try leaning against a wall or using a chair. If you neck is tense, you may want to rest your head against a pillow as well. It's better to sit up if you can, so you don't fall asleep, but meditation can also be done while laying down.

Meditation begins when thought stops. The time that you spend sitting in meditation is your chance to let go of everything. Let go of your stress from work, from your relationship, from your dog's fleas, from whatever. Let it all go. You can worry about it later if you need to. Use this time for your healing, for getting in touch with Eternity.

After you've meditated and are ready to go out into the world, use your awareness to live intelligently. Pay attention when you drive your car to avoid accidents. Brush and floss your teeth to avoid tooth decay. Offer your friend a helping hand. Give your body the exercise and nutrients it needs. Smile more.

All these things can help you live a healthier, happier life.





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