

Ideas about Death & Dying
by Jenna


On Death
by David


On Death & the Bardo Planes
by Lynne

Death and The Bardo
by Roger


Words on Death & the Bardo Planes

"Death is an inevitable journey
That we all must take.
At first we watch others we know
go on ahead of us,
Until, quite unexpectedly,
it is our turn to go.
On an unknown day or night
we will be summoned
To journey forward into yet another life.

Death is not an ending — so don't be afraid of it!
It is only a punctuation mark in the endless
Saga of our lives.
Cast your mind backward and recall
The tens of thousands of your past lives.
Cast your mind forward and feel your future lives,
The tens of thousands that are yet to be.
Now concentrate upon this moment,
In this lifetime, and see how fully you can live it!

You've died many times before and,
To be honest with you,
You don't look any the worse for it —
So why fear death anyway?"





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