
Om Mani Padme Hum
Essay On Folly

Contributed by No One In Particular


I asked the Zen Master, "What is all of this? Why is all of this?"

He smiled. He smiled and walked away….slowly….softly.

As I sit in my apartment overlooking the Pacific Ocean, I slowly lean back a little heavier in my chair. I have been purusing several emails which had come my way. Rinpoche's, Adi Da, Sri Breeze… everyone seems to be searching real hard and when they find some light, they try to share it. Nothing wrong with that. I do it myself.

What troubles me is the judgment of the advancement of one teacher over another. Rama said that when a student did this it was a sure sign that they were a true beginner.

The truly Enlightened Ones do not need anyone to defend them. The reason -- there is simply nothing there to defend. In Rama's tape on "How To Tell If You Are Enlightened", he states that if a person talks about themselves as being enlightened or even aspires to it, it is a sure sign that they are not Enlightened. If it means anything to you, then you are not Enlightened. "Enlightenment is as absence," he said.

However, these are difficult times we are living in. Uncertainty and doubt seem to arise out of the thin air. It is understandable that many would seek out another teacher. As a teacher, I have occasionally sent a student to sit with another teacher. I believe that this is an eclectic path that Rama and I share. I believe that there is much to learn from sitting and studying with other teachers. I believe that all of this falls within the context of the Path that I have been drawn to.

Ramakrishna, one of Rama's favorite Enlightened Masters, demonstrated that there are many paths that lead to Enlightenment. Ramakrishna said, "Enlightenment is like the peak of a gigantic mountain. Once you reach the top, you see that there are many and varied paths that lead to it's peak."

I have sat with many teachers and have benefited form them all. During this process, however, I have had only one teacher. Rama.

I remember back in 1983 when Rama said, "I HAVE THE PICTURE OF ONLY ONE TEACHER ON MY MEDITATION TABLE." It was clear that we, as students needed to commit to the path we were drawn too and stick with it with a full heart. Now this can be tricky. I realize that this is a Path of Heart and that we must follow our hearts. The message seemed to be, study, sit and be with whom ever you are drawn to, but keep just one picture on your meditation table at a time.

Abraham Lincoln said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." We must keep our selves undivided.

Ramakrishna studied many paths. It must be noted, however, that when he was a Muslim, he had nothing to do with the Hindu. When he was a Christian, he had nothing to do with the Muslim or the Hindu. He stayed totally focused in each path until he became God realized in that path. He did not go from one to the other. Rama did much the same.

I will occasionally sit with other teachers… But there will be only one picture on my meditation table.

This is my path. I signed on when I stood before Rama and wanted, with all my heart, to be his student. Nothing has changed there. It has been a path of great awakening for me.

Like many others, I go into states of Enlightenment. I have manifested several siddahs and have some occult and psychic powers. The room turns gold and I disappear. This does not in any way mean that I am Enlightened. The temptation to make this assumption is a trap. My ego wants to say that this is enlightenment, but in moments of clarity, I can see the ego at work. There is simply too much of me still around to be Enlightened.

Several times a week I approach states of mind where I am in a position to give up everything to Eternity. All my past lives, this life, my future lives, my friends, family and life. I even give up Rama. I give it all to Eternity and I go away. Every time some of me comes back. There is not as much there as before, but still enough to let me know that I have a lot left to give up. One day I will succeed and dissolve into that which I am already. Until then, I will continue to wrestle with the ego, look for distractions, and I will continue to focus on Rama's picture on my meditation table. It is really working for me.

The fog is rolling in over the coast. The sun is setting. It is a nice moment.

I understand that many spiritual aspirants still need a teacher that is in the body. I wish them luck and God's Speed on their journey into the light. I, however, do not need that right now. Why would I? Rama is in my heart and on my case constantly. He is more in my consciousness than at any time in this life. The Kalachakra Empowerment is blasting away all of the different selves. I am on fire!

I realize the this may not be the case for other students. Their fire is being lit in other ways. That does not make me right and them wrong. It doesn't even make me better than them. It is simply what is.

Let's just try to remember the etiquette and stop all of this nasty Guru comparing and self-righteous judgment on and of each other and get on with the task at hand… That being the Enlightenment Process. Any action or attitude that we take without love is a terrible mistake. Let us drop our egos and start to love and respect each other and allow this wondrous process to take us all into the Light. If you are drawn to another teacher, then put that teacher's picture on the meditation table. Take down Rama's. Commitment is vital to the process. Don't mix your wines. Seek and find Enlightenment. I am sure that it will be different than mine.

It is night now. The city lights are like jewels shining in a jewel box. I can hear the waves crashing on the shore. It is a really nice moment.

It is in moments like this that I am reminded of the beauty of this world and how at peace one can be in it. I also know, without a doubt, that this is all an illusion. As Rama says, "All of this will go away… Nothing will remain… Only Enlightenment."

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